Solinet®: Aluminum flashing systems

Solinet® : Flashing roof covering upstands with or without EWIS
Extruded aluminium Solins with CSTB technical approval provides protection for roof covering upstands on flat roofs.
The Solinet® range allows the waterproofing to be in accordance with DTU 20.12 (necessary accessories).
Our systems are designed to protect against rainwater, for the insulation of flat roofs with or without slabs on pads, for public works and for the mechanical fixing of PVC membranes.
The Solinet® range is deliverable in standard length of 3000 mm and factory-drilled at 300 mm centres. Each length is stamped with the dani alu guarantee trademark.
Solinet® range assets :
- Complete range for roof-terrace inaccessible, accessible and isolated
- Extruded profile with technical approval
- Double joint system
Technical Advice CSTB
"The use of metallic flashing strips is compulsorilyy justified byt he Technical Opinoin CSTB DTU 20.12"
How to choose the right Solinet®pattern :
- Under what circumstances am I? Have I properly analysed my problem?
In the event of doubt, call us. - Under what accessibility conditions am I?
- Does the work include a lot of angles to be dealt with, curved sections?
- In what climate zone is the site located?
- What overlap or visible height do I need?
- Have I received the technical supervisor‘s approval of the pattern of Solinet proposed?
- Does the roof covering upstand include insulation?
- If yes, what thickness?
Technical advice for Solinet® can be seen here :

Solinet® characteristics
1 The foam
The foam at the rear allows any unevenness to be rectified and creates a barrier between the water-tighness and the pump seal.
2 Joint backing
Adequate gorge with joint backing, which allows the sealant gun to move three dimensionally.

3 Junction sleeves
Junction sleeves provides a perfect alignment between units and an effective joint overlap, while still allowing expansion.
4 Angle sleeves
Hides grooves, saves on fixtures and leaves a thorough and watertight finish.

5 Aluminium protective cover
The aluminium protective cover protects the fixture from the weather, and the gun-applied sealand from UV, providing an attractive finish. It is mandatory on a flat roof top accessible to the public.
Fixation Danivit inox 6x40 mm
A) Expansion zone plastic anchor
B) Compressible part
C) Collar, used as support washer
D) Expander element – stainless steel screw, Philips type for dismantle

Solinet® 15/40

Solinet® 15/40
Profile technical approval CSTB
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 15 mm - Cover 40 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill fininsh aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
in accordance with the technical approval, accessories are necessary in order to guarantee a perfect sealing and finish

Example of application
For replacing zinc or galva strips and concrete spoilers
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Solinet® 10 series

Solinet® 10/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- bendable (not drilled)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 10 mm - Covering 55 mm
Available finishes :
- MIll finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
Solinet® 10/110
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access roof (with aluminium protection)
- bendable (not drilled)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 10 mm - Covering 110 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours

In accordance with the technical approval, accessories are necessary in order to guarantee a perfect sealing and finish
Example of application
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.

Solinet® 20 series

Solinet® 20/60
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 20 mm - Covering 65 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
Solinet® 20/100
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 20 mm - Covering 105 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours

In accordance with the technical approval, accessories are necessary in order to guarantee a perfect sealing and finish
Example of application
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.

Solinet® 50 series

Solinet® 15/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 15 mm - Covering 55 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
Solinet® 40/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 40 mm - Covering 55 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours

Solinet® 60/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 60 mm - Covering 55 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
Solinet® 100/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof(with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 100 mm - Covering 50 mm
EWIS specific
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours

Solinet® 160/50
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private accessi roof
- vegetalised roofor garden
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 160 mm - Covering 50 mm
Waterproof upstand with insulation specific
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In accordance with the technical approval, accessories are necessary in order to guarantee a perfect sealing and finish.

Example of application
Solinet® 160/50
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Solinet® 25/150

Solinet® 25/150
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
Extruded aluminium solin straps with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory
Bracket 25 mm - Covering 143 mm
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In accordance with the technical approval, accessories are necessary in order to guarantee a perfect sealing and finish.

Example of application
Solinet® 160/50
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Solinet® 160

Solinet® 160
The covering Plinth profile (overlap skirting)
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access roof
- vegetalised roof or garden
- public access flat roof
Solinet® 160, covering plinth, allows the self-sufficient of the upstands, a invisible fixing and waterproofing safe from the weather and UV, a free expansion of the covering profil and a innovative aesthetic. This system is suitable for accessible terraces or circular ways where aesthetic and safety are needed.
Extruded aluminium solin, formed from two profiles :
- An extruded support profile with squared gorge and factory-fitted joint backing
- A covering plinth (overlap skirting) allowing to have an invisible fixing and waterproofing, in addition to a mechanical protection of the upper mastic joint.
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill fnish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In compliance with the technical approval, accessories are needed to guarantee complete weatherproofing and a perfect finish.

Example of application
Solinet® 160/50
Profiles in standard lengths of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Solinet® Contour

Solinet® Contour
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible or technical flat roof
- private access flat roof
- bendable
Extruded aluminium solin made of :
- a Solinet® 10/50 in extruded aluminium with squared gorge and double joints pre-installed in factory, used as support.
- a aluminium bending 15/10.
Bracket 10 mm - Cover 125, 150, 175 and 200 mm.
Other dimensions on request. Invisible fixings - Innovative and appealing for renovation.
Available finishes :
- Mill finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- Powder coated aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In compliance with the technical approval, accessories are needed to guarantee complete weatherproofing and a perfect finish.

Example of application
Solinet® Contour
Profiles in standard length of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Solinet® slab-support

Solinet® slab-support
CSTB technical approval
- inaccessible flat roof or technical platforms
- privately accessed flat roof
- publicly accessed flat floor (with aluminium protection)
- planted roof or garden
Extruded aluminium solin with squared gorge and pre-installed double joints in factory.
Double function:
- protection of the roof covering upstand
- support for slabs on pads around the perimeter of the flat roof.
In compliance with the technical approval, accessories are needed to guarantee complete weatherproofing and a perfect finish.

Example of application
Profiles in standard lengths of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.
Special bridge and car park

Special bridge and car park
CSTB technical approval
- private access flat roof
- public access flat roof (with aluminium protection)
- car park
This system has been made for the case of waterproof usptands for :
- Civil engineering construction (bridges)
- Terraces
- car park
in accordance with DTU. Extruded aluminium solin with squared gorge and triple factory-fitted joints for car parks, bridges and civil engineering constructions. Cover 110 mm
Available finishes :
- MIll finish aluminium : mill finish aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- lacquered aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In compliance with the technical approval, accessories are needed to guarantee complete weatherproofing and a perfect finish.

Example of application
For a car park
Profiles in standard lengths of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.

Solinet® Fixnet 40
Fixnet series is used for a mechanical fixing of the waterproofing membranes.
The model 40 is bendable.
The model 40 is bendable.
Solinet® Fixnet 45
mechanical fixing of the waterproofing membranes.

Solinet® Fixnet 50
mechanical fixing of the waterproofing membranes.
Example of application
Fixnet® 45 - Protection of the upstand with backing joint
Profiles in standard lengths of 3000 mm, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.

Solinet® 70

Solinet® 70
Bendable extruded aluminium solin with squared gorge with factory-fitted double joints. Cover 50 mm. For protecting and connecting the waterproofing upstands in traditional covering.
Available finishes :
- Untreated aluminium : untreated aluminium, reflective and becoming mat with times
- lacquered aluminium Danilac, RAL colours
In compliance with the technical approval, accessories are needed to guarantee complete weatherproofing and a perfect finish.

Example of application
Solinet® 70
Profiles in standard lengths of, factory-drilled at 300 mm centres.